The 14th European Union Film Festival in India will be held from 5th March to 22nd April 2009 in New Delhi, Mumbai, Pune, Kozihodhe, Chennai and Jamshedpur. A selection of contemporary film productions of nineteen European countries will be presented. The Film Festival will be inaugurated on 5th March 2009 at 6 pm at Siri Fort Auditorium II in Delhi.
The Film Festival is being organized by the Directorate of Film Festivals, Ministry of Information & Broadcasting, Government of India in collaboration with the Delegation of the European Commission to India and the Czech Embassy along with other European Union Member State Embassies and local partners.
The Film Festival is being organized by the Directorate of Film Festivals, Ministry of Information & Broadcasting, Government of India in collaboration with the Delegation of the European Commission to India and the Czech Embassy along with other European Union Member State Embassies and local partners.
Besides promoting mutual respect and understanding, the aim of the European Union Film Festival in India is to encourage broad international cooperation programme of cultural and commercial relations between Europe’s film industry and filmmakers in India. Through the eyes of film directors, the festival brings a spectrum of pictures of European society in dramas of everyday life along with complex human relations and in everlasting search for love and happiness. There are comedies, a thriller with underlying emotions and real portraits of courage to stand up for values of justice and dignity.
The film “Czech Dream” will be screened at the inaugural function, as the Czech Republic currently holds the Presidency of the European Union. “Czech Dream” is a film about a hypermarket that never existed. The directors Vit Klusak and Filip Remunda will be personally inaugurating the European Union Film Festival in Chennai.
In Mumbai the Fun Cinema will host the event, in Pune festival will be presented in assistance with Indian National Film Archive. Kerala State Chalachitra Academy and the Corporation of Kozhikode is co-organizer in Kozihodhe. The partner of EU in Chennai is Indo Cine Appreciation Foundation and Kalamandir in Jamshedpur. Entry to all shows is free of charge on “first come first served” - basisFest details and schedules are here: